On July 25th, 2018, the Crypterium Telegram chat page - had an August visitor, in the person of Vladimir Gorbunov. He is a co-founder of Crypterium. His visit was short and exciting. During his short stay, a few messages were passed across to the community of over 31k followers. Please see below : These 3 short messages which were passed within the space of 10 minutes have created an awakening of the CRPT market, causing its capitalization to rise 23% from $42 million to current $52 million. 23% rise in CRPT market capitalization There is high expectation that the value of CRPT will rise each week, as new functions are released every week, starting August 1st. Some of its Telegram followers have argued that CRPT will be among top 50 coins in market capitalization by end of year 2018, others have argued the price of CRPT will be $10. It is however worthy of note that this coin has a very high prospect. 23% rise in CRPT pr...