Market Intelligence - April 25
Today was a fairly busy day characterized with 521 transactions, which is lower than the usual 600+ transactions. A total of 300,800 CRPTs valued at $259,122.66 dollars were exchanged. The market opened at 0.00010380 BTC ($1), and closed bearish at 0.00009764 BTC ($0.86). It peaked at 0.00010600 BTC ($1.03) and had its lowest point at 0.00009740 BTC. In summary, it was a massively bearish market with pip movement of -0.00000616 and transaction ratio of long to short trades at ~ 26:74. April 25 - Crypterium Market Summary Although, Crypterium's COO and co-founder had a livestream where he announced a number of favourable news, such as partnership with world profound companies for KYC and AML services, which will enable Crypterium build business relationship with any payment gateways and ordinarily should have caused a spike in long trades, there was a more devastating event which occurred the previous day and whose effect is still being felt in the market today. That is the...